The thing I hear most often from players is that they want to improve and become a great basketball player. They never hesitate to say that, but they do seem to hesitate when I tell them what they need to do to be successful.
I tell them this simple equation: “Work Hard + Work Smart + Work Consistently = Improvement
This makes them question their previous statement. You see, everyone wants to be great, but not everyone wants to do the things that will make them great. Thus comes the old proverb, “If it was easy, everyone would do it.”
Players will not see the growth/improvement they want if they only practice twice a week for 3 hours total. Nor will they see it if they only practice 3 times a week for 5 hours total. You get out what you put in.
And it is not only working hard and doing it consistently, you also have to work smart. I know a lot of players that are in the gym 6 days a week for 3 hours EACH day, but all they do is run around shooting random shots or doing crazy dribbling drills they saw an influencer doing. You have to be smart about your work. Practice in-game shots that you will get in an actual game. Work on catch & shoot. 1 dribble pull ups and 2 dribble pull ups. Challenge your ball handling with drills that actually do something and don’t just look “cool or Instagram worthy.”
So remember this equation: “Work Hard + Work Smart + Work Consistently = Improvement.
If you put this equation to use, I guarantee that within a month you will see some great results. A lot of my clients use this same methodology and it is proven to work.
Try it for yourself!
Coach Connor
CF Hoops